WHAT IT IS WHAT IT IS FINKS!! THE BIG SURF IS BACK as we are after every Tuesday!! You can't stop the Surfphony of Derstruction, you can only slow it down! Good thing is that nothing was in our way this week and The Surfphony was at full throttle ALL NIGHT! woooooooo! Great show this week, LOTS of new stuff got some play! I've felt like I've been playing a lot of the same bands lately (not to say the show is going downhill OH NO) so I made an effort to try and play some bands that have had little to no play on The Surfphony!! Dig it!
artist | song |
the sadies | the 3-B |
the revelairs | the cruel sea |
the jesters | the jester |
the surfdusters | hero of the beach |
cruis'n' USA | tubular surf |
duane eddy | jitterboard |
the roulettes | surfer's charge |
PJ & the galaxies | scouse |
huevos rancheros | moth dance, the |
the sin-tones | (theme from) chick boat |
the dictators | borneo jimmy |
tijuana bibles | custom made man |
blue jeans | yogiri no nagisa |
mutsuhiko izumi | sewer surfin' |
the youngsters | zebra |
Are you wondering what the hell The Sadies are doing in the playlist? HUH?!? It's cool, man! The Sadies produced the soundtrack to Tales of The Rat Fink, a documentary all about BIG DADDY Ed Roth, baby! 26 tracks of some great, wacky, kooky instrumentals! REAAAAL KOOL!
Here's the trailer for Tales of The Rat Fink
... And one of the tracks featured in the film by The Sadies!
Another Canadian Surf band, The Sin-Tones, got a chance for some air-time on The Big Surf! I played their song "Chick Boat" in honour of International Women's Day!
We heard another song from Cruis'n' USA, this time TUBULAR SURF
I snuck in some more video game surf, this time we heard from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: TURTLES IN TIME with SEWER SURFIN'
lotsa videos to keep ya happy!
For the latest episode and some other previous ones, CLICK HERE!
As well, COMING UP NEXT WEEK is CALL OF THE WEST (or C.o.W. hahah!) Stay tuned for some Spaghetti Western Surfin' as we go South of The Border into The Wild West and trade in our surfboards for some horses! HI-YA! WOOOOOOOOOO
You'll hear from me next week, finks!!! YOU HEAR ME?!
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