I know... I know... I haven't been seen for a month or two now and I did say that The Surfphony is back! Well, in some capacity! I've been working hard on getting things together for the new start-up, didn't want to dive in headfirst and get caught in the undertow, YA DIG? So, I've been trying to put together the first few episodes of The S.o.D. 2000 before I release them! That way, you get a METRIC TON of Surf right away and I don't get caught up trying to rush things each week.
In the meantime, I have been working on a couple of projects besides The Surfphony 2000!

60 minutes of SOME SERIOUSLY HEAVY METAL! If you dig 80's Heavy Metal, then this will be right up your alley! Packed with bands such as ACCEPT, W.A.S.P., EXODUS, GIRLSCHOOL, BLACK SABBATH and way more! THE HEAVY METAL MELTDOWN IS FAST AND LOUD AND NEVER SLOWS DOWN!
I also handed out a couple of Demos to a few folks at a show in Oshawa. If you happened to stumble upon this site, Welcome to The Surfphony of Derstruction!
We have a Facebook page! Come check it out! Like us too, because I usually post more there!
Can't forget to give credit where credit is due! Thanks to Dollaberry of DeviantArt for the awesome leather texture I used on Heavy Metal Meltdown and the background for the Surfphony Logo!
And to everyone (all two of you) who are patiently waiting for the Surfphony of Derstruction 2000 to get back on the road, just hold on a little longer and your dreams will come true!